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SACON "Shock Absorbing CONcrete"

50 Rounds of Fun

50 Rounds of Fun

SACON as defined by the Army Corps of Engineers


Shock-absorbing concrete (SACON) is a low-density, fiber-reinforced, foamed concrete that is used as an energy absorbing material. SACON has found wide applications in the construction of live-fire training villages and the fabrication of target structures.


SACON is manufactured by blending:

  • sand

  • portland cement

  • aqueous-based foam

  • polymer fiber


Typically the resulting concrete will have a density that is approximately one-half that of conventional concrete and an unconfined compressive strength that is one-third to one-fourth that of conventional concrete.



SACON offers numerous advantages over wood, rubber tires, or earth berms in trapping bullets on small-arms firing ranges. It will not burn, does not rot, and does not have to be protected from insects. SACON does not erode away, typically maintains an alkaline condition that can slow down metal corrosion and, it is a closed-cell, foamed solid that has low leachability.

SACON panels at the Wilson, NC production plant
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